
Showing posts from September, 2021

Hundred-mile-stone reached (part 1)

I've just come back from a lovely ride through the autumnal Chiltern hills, throughout which Bagheera performed faultlessly and was in her element chugging characterfully along the sunny backroads. The journey also brought up 100 miles since the engine was completely rebuilt following the disasterous overheat back in July. A frankly regrettable amount of time, pain and money has been needed to reach this point. As detailed in the last post , the engine overheat caused extensive damage to the top-end of the engine; damage beyond my ability or tools to repair. After a bit of searching around, I finally got a recommendation for a good engineer/machinist called H T Howard in Slough. After a quick chat with boss Andy, I was reassured that they really knew their onions, or more importantly their vintage British bikes. My first task was to source new engine internals. Due to the scuffing on the cylinder walls I decided to go up to the first oversize piston, officially specified by Trium